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If you’re considering your growth and hiring strategies, don’t be misled into thinking that the availability of top finance talent is quiet through December or that nothing happens until January. If you want to secure the best people for your business, it is essential you start mapping out what you need now in order to get ahead of the game in 2022.

Working with a specialist search and recruitment company, like Halliday Marx, means that you will have the support you need to accurately review and agree what is needed from future candidates. We can also ensure you have an effective recruitment strategy and timeline to give yourself the best chance of finding the right talent for your business. To get you started, here are some essential reasons why starting your hiring process now will put you in the best place for a flourishing start to 2022……..

Less competition

Many large-scale organisations spend the remainder of 2021 fine tuning their strategy for the following year, reducing the pace of their recruitment in December and ramping things up significantly throughout January/February. This presents a great opportunity for other organisations to go shopping for exceptional finance talent without the competition, since many temporary contracts will complete in December. Halliday Marx interims are highly regarded, resulting in fierce competition throughout January/February. Initiating your hiring process early will give you a significant advantage in securing outstanding people.

It is also important to remember that not everyone celebrates Christmas and there will be highly sought-after talent wishing to progress their search. This is why Halliday Marx always have specialist consultants available throughout the festive break.

Social Media

Increased activity on social media platforms is busy at this time of year, so partnering with an experienced finance and accounting search and recruitment company will mean you are provided with the maximum opportunity to shout about your available positions and also ensure opportunities are placed in front of the right talent using the most effective channel at the right time.

Overseas talent

In addition to our superb UK talent pool, Halliday Marx are particularly proud of their extensive portfolio of exceptionally talented interims from Australia and New Zealand. Due to the pandemic, this flow of candidates was halted in March 2020 but as travel restrictions begin to ease, the tap is on again! As a result, our specialist consultants are currently busy holding virtual interviews ahead of candidate arrival to the UK, with interims now registering up to 3 months before joining us in London. There is no doubt that these candidates will be in extreme demand – we are expecting at least 80% to be snapped up before getting on the plane. To ensure you don’t miss out, it is essential you start your hiring process now and secure talent ideally at least 4 weeks ahead of the Interim start date.

Hit the ground running

Having a well-planned growth strategy in place ahead of the new year will avoid a slow start to 2022. This will allow you to hit the ground running, get your business objectives off to a healthy start and fully utilise your energised staff returning from their break.

As mentioned previously, January and February means recruiting mania! We can’t emphasis enough the value in initiating your resource planning now if you want to avoid the busiest period and prevent your hiring process from becoming frenzied. First impressions are everything when it comes to securing the candidate you really want, so failing to deliver an exceptional experience will almost certainly tempt top talent to look elsewhere.

Initiating your recruitment plan now will not only avoid rushed interviews and poorly planned handovers, but you are more likely to find that key decision makers are available – this becomes more challenging as the New Year progresses and new strategies require their attention.

Candidate energy

The closing of one year, the start of another and a relaxing break definitely provides an additional layer of energy and motivation for candidates. At Halliday Marx, we are busy supporting our talent as they see this period as a great time for planning career goals and making that decision to go for their dream job. Put simply, this is the optimum time to secure exceptional people. Our finance professionals are raring to go and up for a challenge – but move fast, top talent will have a number of options open to them. Taking too much time to review CVs, delaying interviews and prolonging offers will significantly reduce your options. It’s all about speed. Partnering with an experienced search and recruitment company will ensure you plan ahead of the rush, get access to the best talent and follow an intelligent process that means the best people want to work for you.

In summary

Now is the optimum time to partner with a specialist, seasoned search and recruitment consultancy, like Halliday Marx, who will make sure you have access to exceptional candidates ahead of the new year rush. December means less competition from other hiring companies, social media channels are extremely busy, phenomenal overseas finance talent is becoming available, and candidates are highly energised and raring to go.

If you’re considering your growth and finance resourcing needs for the new year, contact our specialist team today on 020 7096 8200 or email us at [email protected] and make sure you are ready to go in January!

For the latest financial opportunities, company updates, recruitment information and career advice, follow us on LinkedIn and twitter@HallidayMarx

Our philosophy is simple; Do things simply, do them well.